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The S.S. Cantick Head and Semnos

Thurso, Caithness-shire.—At 6.35 in the morning of the 25th of October, 1948, the Wick Coastguard telephoned that the s.s. Cantick Head, of Leith, was driving ashore in Thurso bay, and at 7.10 the motor life-boat H.C.J. was launched. A strong northerly gale was blowing, with a heavy sea. On her way to the steamer, the life-boat passed the steam trawler Semnos, of Aberdeen, which said that her engine had broken down. The life-boat found the Can- tick Head with her anchors down in broken water. She had a crew of ten, and was bound for Scrabster, loaded with cement. The life-boat escorted her into clearer water, then she put a man on board, accompanied her to Scrabster Harbour, and helped to berth her. She arrived back at her station at 10 o'clock, but the crew stood by until the Semnos berthed at 3 o'clock that afternoon. The owners of the Cantick Head sent their thanks to the station and 20 guineas.-—Rewards, £16 7s.