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Rait Castle

Bridlington, Yorkshire.—At 11.20 in the morning of the 27th of November, 1948, the harbour master reported a telephone message from the Post Office at Barmston that a vessel was ashore, and the motor life-boat Tillie Morrison, Sheffield, was launched at 11.53. The south-westerly breeze was light, with a slight swell, but there was thick fog.

The life-boat found the steam drifter Rait Castle, of Portknockie, with a crew of ten, aground in a dangerous position about two miles north of Barmston. The second coxswain boarded her to advise the skipper, and the life-boat then towed her off. After putting another man on board the drifter to help the crew, the life-boat escorted her to Bridlington and arrived back at her station at 1.5 that after- noon.-—Property Salvage Case..