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May Queen

Ramsgate, Kent.—In the same dense fog on the night of the 28th of Novem- ber, 1948—as five boats which had put out with fishing parties had not returned—the life-boat coxswain and another man burned flares at the East Pier. By their help four of the boats came in. At 10.50 the following morning the coastguard telephoned that the rowing boat May Queen was still missing, and the motor life-boat Prudential left her moorings at 10.59 with the motor boat Kenneth. The weather was calm, but the fog still thick. They made a wide search, and two and a half miles south of Quern Buoy the life-boat found the May Queen anchored. The two men in her were hungry, cold, and exhausted.

The life-boat took them on board, gave them food and drink, and with their boat in tow, returned to Ramsgate at 1.20 that afternoon.—-Rewards, £11 13s. 6d..