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Kilmore Quay, Co. Wexford.—At six o'clock in the evening of the 5th of November, 1948, red flares were seen to the south-south-east, and the motor life-boat Ann Isabella Pyemont was launched at 6.40 in a strong, squally west-south-west breeze with a ground swell. She found the local fishing boat Lanho with a crew of four, at anchor twelve miles to the south-south-east.

Her propeller had been fouled by a trawl. Her anchor too was fouled and in heaving it up she had broken her winch. The life-boat shone her search- light on the Lanho, at the request of the skipper, while she struggled with her anchor, but she could not get it clear and cut the cable. Then she swung broadside to the sea. It carried her down on to the life-boat, which was slightly damaged. The life-boat took her in tow and made for harbour, arriving back at her station at 11.22 that night.—Rewards, £30 3s..