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A Small Boat (1)

Maryport, Cumberland.—At 6.35 in the evening of the 12th of November, 1948, it was reported that the life-boat bowman had gone fishing to the north in a small boat and had not returned.

A strong, squally wind was blowing from the south, with rough seas. The motor life-boat Joseph Braithwaite was launched at 6.35. She made a wide search and in the end found the bow- man in Allonby Bay; five miles north of Maryport. He had broken one oar, and lost the other, and was lying in the boat cold, hungry, and exhausted with his long efforts to keep the boat afloat. The life-boat took him on board and revived him, and returned to Maryport with his boat in tow, but before she arrived the boat was swamped and sank. She reached Maryport at 9.35 that night.—Rewards, £17 1*. 6d.