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A Dinghy

Ramsgate, Kent. — At 8.15 in the evening of the 1st of October, 1948, cries for help could be heard off the pier, and at 8.27 the motor life-boat Mary Scott, on temporary duty at the station, was launched in a light south- westerly breeze with a smooth sea.

About two hundred yards outside the harbour she found a rowing boat which had rescued one of two men who had been flung into the sea when their dinghy had capsized. The life-boat searched for the other man, using her searchlight, and found him three- quarters of a mile to the southward clinging to the upturned dinghy. She rescued him, picked up the dinghy, and returned to her station where the man was put into a waiting ambulance at 9 o'clock.—Rewards, £8 12s. 6d..