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Ramsgate, Kent.—At 10.10 on the night of the 22nd of August, 1948, the shore attendant at East Pier reported flares from a vessel near No. 3 Brake Buoy, and the coastguard reported a vessel aground north of South Goodwin Lightvessel, which it was thought must be the same vessel. The motor life- boat Mary Scott, on temporary duty at the station, was launched at 10.20 in a light west-south-westerly breeze with a slight sea. She found the motor vessel Westover, of London, with a crew of five. Her propeller was damaged and she was aground about half a mile north-east of No. 2 Brake Buoy. At her master's request the life-boat towed her off and took her into Ramsgate.

She arrived back at her station at midnight. — Property Salvage Case.

Rewards, 13s..