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The S.S. Wave Commander

Wells, Norfolk—At about 6.30 in the morning of the 25th of July, 1948, information was received from the coastguard that a ship, twenty miles to the north-east of Wells, had had an explosion in the engine-room and a doctor was needed. The motor life- boat Cecil Paine was launched at seven o'clock with Dr. E. W. Hicks, the hono- rary secretary, on board. A light south-easterly wind was blowing with a moderate sea. When the life-boat reached the position given the weather was hazy and nothing could be seen, but the life-boat got further information through the East Dudgeon Lightvessel and eventually found the ship. She was the s.s. Wave Commander, a Royal Fleet Auxiliary oil tanker, and Dr.

Hicks was put aboard to treat the injured men. One was badly hurt and was with difficulty lifted into the life- boat on a stretcher. She landed himat Holkham, where he had to be pushed on a hand cart over a mile of sands to a waiting ambulance. The life-boat reached her station again at 4.15.— Rewards, £34 6s..