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The S.S. Wandle

Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, Norfolk.— At 6.48 in the evening of the 3rd of June, 1948, the coastguard telephoned that the s.s. Wandle, of London, was approaching the harbour and wished to land a sick man. The motor life- boat Louise Stephens was launched at 6.54 in a strong westerly breeze with a heavy swell. She found that a doctor was wanted, wirelessed for one and returned ashore. With the doctor on board she again went to the Wandle and after he had treated the sick man, brought them both ashore, where an ambulance was waiting. The life-boat reached her station again at 7.53.

A donation to the funds of the Institu- tion was received from the owners.—• Rewards, £12 2s. Gd..