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The S.S. Erica

Islay, Inner Hebrides. — During the early afternoon of the 22nd of August, 1948, the Kilchoman coastguard re- ported a vessel in difficulties three miles west-north-west of Smaull Point, and at 1.15 the motor life-boat Charlotte Elizabeth, was launched. A south-west gale was blowing, with a very rough sea. The life-boat found the S.S.

Erica, of Bergen, about a mile west- north-west of Rhu Head Lighthouse.

She had a list to port and was going •dead slow. The life-boat escorted her as far as MacArthur's Head Light- house. There her master said that everything was satisfactory so the life- boat returned to her station, arriving at a quarter past seven that evening.

—Rewards, £10 6s..