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The S.S. Dwight W. Morrow

Baltimore, Co. Cork.—At about 4.30 in the afternoon of the 13th of June, 1948, it was reported that the s.s.

Dwight W. Morrow, of Jacksonville, U.S.A., had wirelessed that she had lost her propeller twelve miles west of Fastnet, but that she was in no imme- diate danger. About 5.15 Valentia radio reported that the steamer was now asking for help and a tow, and the motor life-boat Shamrock was launched at 5.35, in a moderate southerly breeze with a smooth sea. She found the Dwight W. Morrow anchored four miles west by south pf Mizen Head. She was in no danger so the life-boat made for the near-by harbour of Crookhaven.

There she stood by until a tug arrived next morning, and -when the tug had the steamer in tow the life-boat re- turned to her station, arriving at 2.30 that afternoon.—Rewards, £3812s..