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The Icelandic Steam-Trawler Baldur

Campbeltown, Argyllshire.—At 2.25 in the afternoon of the 20th of July, 1948, the Portpatrick Radio Station telephoned that the Icelandic steam- trawler Baldur, on passage from Fleet- wood to Iceland, was approaching Campbeltown and had asked for a doc- tor for a maternity case. The trawler was then thirty miles away to the south- west and expected to be off Campbel- town about four o'clock. The motor life-boat City of Glasgow left her moor- ings at 2.42, in a light southerly breeze and a moderate sea, with a doctor and nurse aboard. She met the trawler four miles east-north-east of Sanda, put the doctor and nurse on board her, and escorted the trawler to Davaar Light- house, the life-boat coxswain acting as pilot. There the patient, the doctor and the nurse were transferred to the life-boat, which made for Campbeltown where an ambulance was waiting. The life-boat returned to her station at six o'clock.—Rewards, £9 19s. 6d..