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The American Steamer Chrysanthy Star and Energetic (2)

Cadgwith, and Penlee, Cornwall and St. Mary's, Isles of Scilly.—At 11.5 on the night of the 25th of June, 1948, during a thick fog, the Cadgwith coast- guard telephoned the Cadgwith life- boat station that the American steamer Chrysanthy Star had radioed that she had collided with a small vessel ten miles south-south-east of Lizard Point.

The Cadgwith motor life-boat Guide of Dunkirk was launched at 11.25, in a moderate north-westerly breeze with a calm sea. After she had set out another message said that the fishing vessel Energetic, of Porthleven, had been sunk, but that the steamer had picked up two of her crew of seven. The coast- guard also informed the Penlee station, at 12.55 next morning, and at 1.20 the motor life-boat W. and S. was launched.

The two life-boats made a very wide search, but found no trace of the five men and returned to their stations, Cadgwith arriving at 6.15 in the morn- ing of the 26th and Penlee at 8.30. In the meantime the St. Mary's coast- guard had telephoned the St. Mary's station at 7.2 in the morning that the Chrysanthy Star had wirelessed that of the two rescued men one had died and had asked that the life-boat should bring them ashore. The motor life- boat Cunard was launched at 7.46, in a light west-north-west breeze with a smooth sea and fog, and found the steamer eight miles south of Wolf Rock. She arrived back at her station with the rescued man and the body.

Five of the six men lost were brothers.

—Rewards: Cadgwith, £27 8s.; Penlee, £18 5s.; St. Mary's, £16 12s..