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Campbeltown, Argyllshire.—At 1.53 in the afternoon of the 14th of June, 1948, during a thick fog, the Southend coast- guard reported that information had been received that a vessel was on Patersen's Rock, Sanda. Two coast- guards went out in a motor boat and the motor life-boat City of Glasgow was launched at 2.1 in a light southerly breeze with a moderate sea. She found the motor fishing vessel Seafarer.

of Maidens, with a crew of seven, on the east side of the rock. She was lying on her port bilge and rolling heavily. Helped by the two coast- guards in the motor boat, the life-boat passed ropes to her. By means o'f them she kept the Seafarer on an even keel until the tide rose; and then at the third attempt, refloated her. The Seafarer went on her way, and the life-boat returned to her station, arriv- ing at 7.20 in the evening.—Rewards, £11 14s. 6d..