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Sarah Latham

Port St. Mary, Isle of Man.—At 4.30 in the morning of the 19th of July, 1948, the Castletown coastguard telephoned that the keeper at Langness Point Light had reported red flares from a small vessel, and the motor life-boat Sir Heath Harrison was launched at 5.5.

A west-south-west gale was blowing with a moderate sea. A quarter of a mile west of Langness Point the life- boat found the auxiliary ketch Sarah Latham, of Chester. She had on board the captain and his wife, and a crew of three. She was on her way from Connah's Quay to Belfast, laden with bricks and tiles. Her sails had been severely damaged, she was leaking badly, both engine and pumps had broken down. The life-boat rescued the five people and returned to her station at 6.25. Later the ketch foundered.—Rewards, £18..