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Fishing Boats

Walton and Frinton, Essex. — About a quarter to five in the afternoon of the 17th of August, 1948, the coastguard telephoned that an aeroplane had reported five people marooned on a sandbank between Naze Point and Stone Banks Buoy. The motor life- boat E.M.E.D. waited until the posi- tion was confirmed and launched at naif past five. A freshening south- south-westerly breeze was blowing, with a moderate sea. The life-boat searched the sandbanks, but found no one.

It was then about 6.20. Her cox- swain, who had been at sea fishing when she was launched, now came up in his own boat and took charge. He had seen three fishing boats at West Rocks in trouble in the increasing wind and rising sea. The life-boat went to their help, towed them in, and re- turned to her station at half past eight that evening.—Rewards, £14 3s..