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Boy Pat and Nellie

Islay, Inner Hebrides, and Campbeltown, Argyllshire.—At 5.30 in the morning of the 13th of August, 1948, the Kil- choman coastguard telephoned that a vessel about three miles north-north- west of Coul Point had made flares, and at 6.15 the Islay motor life-boat Char- lotte Elizabeth was launched in a slight north-westerly breeze, with a moderate sea. She found three men in a dinghy from the steam drifter Boy Pat, of Greenock, which had sunk while bound for Barra from Greenock, shark fishing.

The men said that the ketch Nellie, of Tarbert, with a crew of two, which had been in company with the Boy Pat, was missing. The life-boat re- turned to her station, landed the rescued men and at 11.46 sent the news of the missing Nellie to the life-boat station at Campbeltown. At noon the Camp- beltown motor life-boat City of Glasgow was launched, and at two o'clock the Islay life-boat, after refuelling, put out again, but the Nellie reached Port Charlotte without help, and the life- boats were recalled by wireless. The Charlotte Elizabeth reached her station at 8.15 that evening and the City of Glasgow at 10.10.—Rewards: Islay, £27 5s. lid.; Campbeltown £16 18s. 6d..