Advanced search

Belvoir Castle

Teesmouth, Yorkshire.—At 4.30 in the morning of the 7th of August, 1948, the South Gare coastguard telephoned that a red flare could be seen to the north-west of North Gare breakwater and at 5.15 the motor life-boat J. W.

Archer was launched. She made a search in a light south-easterly breeze, with a slight sea, and found the motor fishing vessel Belvoir Castle, of Grimsby, with a crew of four, stranded half a mile north-west of the breakwater.

She was pounding on the beach and was half full or water. The life-boat ran out an anchor from her to prevent her being carried further ashore, took off the crew, and landed them atHartlepool.

She reached her station again at 7.30.— Rewards, £7 19s..