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A Happy Collector

A LADY living in a Suffolk village started to have a collecting boat for the Life-boat Service in May 1945. In Mav of this year she sent back the boat for "the sixth time, with £22 Ss. 7d. in it. Altogether in the three years she has collected £70 6*. Id. This is how she does it: " I get a lot of fun out of my life-boat during the year. The boat is kept for small sums, and I keep a tin cash box for anything over 2s. 6d. I sold such a lot of apples up till about three weeks ago, 6d. a pound to anyone.

" At Christmas—bunches of mistletoe I had planted on the apple trees years ago.

"I collect the salvage of the village on my forty-three-year-old bike with a cart at the back, grade it and send it away, and this brings in a little, not forgetting bones which come in, in spite of our miserably small joints—all men when digging in their gardens keep me any they find.

"I'll sell anything, in fact! Lily of the Valley at the moment.".