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Barmouth, Merionethshire.—At 6.30 in the morning of the 25th of March, 1948, information was received from Dyffryn that two men had landed in a dinghy from the French fishing vessel Va-Sans-Peur, of Concarneau, bound for Liverpool, and had asked for the help of the life-boat as their vessel was aground. The motor life-boat Lawrence Ardern, Stockport, was launched at 7.40 in a light easterly breeze, with a slight sea, and found the fishing vessel three miles away on St.

Patrick's Causeway. The second cox- swain went on board her and the life- boat returned ashore, brought out the two Frenchmen and their dinghy, and put them on board the Va-Sans-Peur.

The life-boat stood by until the tide rose and the vessel refloated. The coxswain then set the skipper on his course, and the life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 1 o'clock in the afternoon.—Rewards, £21 17*. 6d..