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The S.S. Pibroch

Campbeltown, Argyllshire. — At 7.10 in the evening of the 9th of March, 1948, the Southend coastguard reported a vessel in the Sound of Sanda burning a red light or flare, and the motor life- boat City of Glasgow was launched at 7.20 in a moderate westerly breeze with a moderate sea. She found the s.s.

Pibroch, of Glasgow, bound from May for the Clyde with a cargo of whisky.

Flames were coming out of her funnel, but they were due to heavy stoking, and she did not need help. The life- boat made a search, but no other vessel was found to be in need of help and she arrived back at her station at 10.30.—• Rewards, £12 155. 6d..