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The S.S. Duke of Sparta

St. Mary's, Isles of Scilly. — About 11.40 in the morning of the 19th of April, 1948, the coastguard reported that the s.s. Duke of Sparta had wire- lessed that she was on the Seven Stones Rocks. A later message said that she was making water and needed a tug.

The motor life-boat Cunard was launched at 11.56 in a light east-north- east breeze with a smooth sea, and found the steamer, bound for London in ballast with a crew of thirty-nine, at anchor south of the North Rock. She took soundings around her, and found a channel. She then put the second coxswain on board the steamer and he piloted her clear of the rocks. Her pumps were able to keep the water down and she made for Falmouth under her own power. Before leaving, the life-boat took mail on board from the Seven Stones Lightvessel and arrived back at her station at 6.30 in the evening.—Property Salvage Case.