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Killed on Active Service

IN "Obituary of the Years of War, 1939-1945," "in the last issue of The Life-boat, there should have appeared two other names, John Herbert Bolton and Thomas Valentine Bennett.

Mr. Bolton joined the staff of the Institution in June, 1937. In January 1941 he volunteered for service with the Royal Air Force, did part of his training in South Africa and Rhodesia, and returned to England with the rank of sergeant-gunner in the summer of 1942. On the night of the 27th of May, 1943, the bomber in which he was flying over Germany as reargunner did not return. Three months later the news came that he was buried in Copenhagen. He was 21.

Mr. Bennett joined the staff of the Institution's Depot as a fitter's boy in March, 1938. He was called up for naval service in November, 1939. In January, 1941, he went down with the air-craft carrier Illustrious. He was 22.

These were the only two of the Institution's staff, at its Head Office and Depot, serving in the forces, who were killed in action..