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Tynemouth, Northumberland. — At 10.50 in the morning of the 14th of March, 1948, the motor life-boat Tyne- sider was launched, with the honorary secretary, Mr. E. Selby Davidson, on board, to carry out trials with her radio- telephony, and at 12.30 the fishing boat Hannah attracted her attention with S.O.S. blasts on her whistle. A light southerly wind was blowing with a moderate sea. The fishing boat was half a mile east of St. Mary's Island and in danger of being carried on to the rocks. The life-boat found her crew of three very exhausted, rescued them and, with the Hannah in tow, made for South Shields. There she landed the men and arrived back at her station at 1.20 in the afternoon.— Rewards, £12 7*..