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A Sailing Dinghy

Margate, Kent.—At 1.10 in the after- noon of the 29th of March, 1948, the coastguard reported that a sailing dinghy, had capsized between one and two miles east of the life-boat station, and the motor life-boat The Lord Southborough—Civil Service No. 1 was launched at 1.25 in a moderate south- westerly breeze with a moderate sea.

She found the dinghy, upturned, one mile to the north-east, and an exhausted man. He said that his two sons were missing. The life-boat took him ashore, and then put out again, with other boats, to search for the two boys, but could not find them. She arrived back at her station at 3.45.—Rewards.

£12 19*. 6d..