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A Motor Launch (1)

Ramsgate, Kent. — At 1.10 in the afternoon -of the 16th of May, 1948, information was received that a vessel was on the Brake Sands and at 1.28 the motor life-boat Prudential left her moorings. A moderate north-easterly gale was blowing, with a rough sea.

The life-boat found a motor launch, No.

490, hard aground off Quern Head with no one aboard. She had been in tow of a tug, but the tow lines had parted and the tug had taken off her crew.

With the help of a motor boat, the life- boat refloated the launch and towed her to the harbour, arriving back at her station at 3.30.—Rewards, 13*. 6d.—• Property Salvage Case..