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The S.S. Vitorialoide

BRAZILIAN STEAMER ASHORE Dover, Kent.—At 3.45 in the morning of the 7th of December, 1947, informa- tion was received from the coastguard at St. Margarets that a vessel was aground in the bay, and the motor life-boat J. B. Proudfoot was launched at 4.20 in a south-easterly breeze with a moderate sea running. She found the S.S. Vitorialoide, of Rio de Janeiro, with a crew of sixty-nine, aground near Leathercoat Point. Tugs had also gone out and succeeded in refloating her. The life-boat stood by until it was certain that the steamer was not making water and then returned to her station which she reached at half-past eight that evening.—Rewards, £12 5*..