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The S.S. Spidola

Holyhead, Anglesey.—At 8.10 in the morning of the 14th of February, 1948, the coastguard reported that a vessel had gone ashore in a thick fog to the south-east of the South Stack Light- house, and at 8.32 the motor life-boat A.E.D. was launched. A moderate, but increasing, breeze was blowing from the south-west; the sea was rough; and there were still patches of fog. The life-boat found the s.s. Spidola, of London, with a crew of thirty-two.

She had got off the rocks, but her bottom had been seriously damaged and she was badly down by the head, with the fore peak and No. 1 hold flooded. Her captain thought she was in imminent danger of foundering, and at his request the second-coxswain went aboard. The steamer then made for Holyhead harbour, escorted by the life-boat, and reached it safely, but forty minutes later she sank. The life- boat returned to "her station again at 12.48 that afternoon.—Property Sal- vage Case..