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The S.S. Lynn Trader

ATTEMPT TO REFLOAT A STEAMER Flamborough, Yorkshire.—On the night of the 3rd of January, 1948,- the S.S. Lynn Trader went ashore about one mile south of Flamborough Head while on passage, in ballast, from King's Lynn to Blyth. She carried a crew of nine. She did not signal for help, but about eight o'clock next morning she was reported to the Fla-mborough Head Royal Naval Shore Signal Station by the S.S. Pool Fisher. The signal sta- tion notified the life-boat station and at half past eight the motor life-boat Elizabeth and Albina Whitley was launched. A fresh south-westerly wind was blowing and the sea was rough.

The life-boat ran out a kedge anchor with a wire rope and then stood by to wait for high water, when she hoped that, by means of the anchored rope, the Lynn Trader would be able to haul herself off. The attempt failed, and, after arranging to return later, the life- boat made for her station which she reached at one o'clock in the afternoon.

About seven in the evening the life-boat returned to the steamer, which again tried, but without success, to haul her- self off. The life-boat then stood by until' the tide had ebbed. As the steamer's crew were then in no danger, she returned to her station, arriving at about one o'clock in the morning of the 5th of January. Later the Lynn Trader was refloated by a tug.— Property Salvage Case..