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The S.S. Archmor

Boulmer, Northumberland. — Shortly after six in the evening of the llth of February, 1948, a vessel stranded on the rocks at Boulmer Head, one mile south-east of the life-boat station, and signalled for help. The motor life-boat Clarissa Langdon was launched at 7.18 in a fresh southerly wind with a choppy sea and strongly ebbing tide. She found the s.s. Archmor, of Fraserburgh, with a crew of eight aboard, bound laden with coal from Amble to Inver- ness. She was waterlogged and the life-boat brought her crew ashore, arriving at 8.15 that evening. At the captain's request the life-boat went out again at 2.30 next morning, taking the steamer's crew with her in the hope that the steamer would come off on the early morning tide, but they found the engine-room flooded and decided to abandon her. Bringing their kit with them, they were brought ashore again by the life-boat, arriving at half past five. Rewards (for first service only), £12 Is..