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The Shrimping Boat Sonia

Margate, Kent.—At about noon on the 28th of January, 1948, local boat- men reported that the shrimping boat.

Sonia, with a crew of three, was two hours overdue. She had put out at three in the morning and was expected back at ten o'clock. The motor life- boat Lord Southborough, Civil Service No. 1 was launched at half past twelve in a west-south-west breeze with a moderate sea, and found the Sonia about four miles off Birchington, mak- ing slowly for Margate. Her engine had broken down and had been started again, but was not working well. As she had no sails, and the wind was off shore, the life-boat escorted her home, arriving at 1.45.—Rewards £10 16s.