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The Queen's Forts

New Brighton, Cheshire.—At 3.40 in the afternoon of the 21st of February, 1948, the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board telephoned that a man, a diver of the Admiralty, working on the dis- mantling of the Queen's Forts, one and a quarter miles off the Bar Lightship, had been summoned to go to London as his sister was dangerously ill and that the Admiralty asked if the life-boat would bring him ashore. The No. 2 motor life-boat Edmund and Mary Robinson left her moorings at 4.10 in a fresh east-north-east breeze with a rough sea, brought ashore both this man and a sick carpenter, and arrived back at her station at 8.10 that night.— Rewards, £13 2*. 6s..