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Obituary of the Years of the War, 1939 to 1945

DURING the war over 200 honorary workers and friends of the Institution died. Among them were three members of the Royal Family, H.R.H. The Duke of Kent, President of the Institution, killed in an aeroplane accident on active service, H.R.H. the Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll, Patron of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild and President of the Kensington branch, and H.R.H. Princess Beatrice, Patron of the Isle of Wight branch.

Of the others it is only possible to give a selection from the names. They are, in order of death:

Sir George Shee. secretary of the Institution from 1910 to 1931;

Mr. H. P. F. Donegan. honorary secretary at Cork;

the Lady Magdalen Williams-Bulkeley, a vicepresident of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild:

Mr. C. C. Sharp, honorary secretary at Southampton;

Mr. L. B. Ross, late honorary secretary at North Sunderland;

Colonel M. H. Egan, C.M.G., C.B.E., honorary secretary at Windsor;

Mr. G. Sayle, honorary secretary at Peel-, Isle of Man;

Mr. Robert Tyrrell, honorary secretary at Arklow; Mr.

A. J. R. Uridge, late honorary secretary at Lewes;

Dame Margaret Lloyd George. G.B.E., LL.D., J.P., president of the South Caernarvonshire Ladies' Lifeboat Guild;

Mr. Andrew Jameson. P.C., D.L., chairman at Dublin;

Mr. II. G. Solomon, for many years district organizing secretary for the Midlands.

Wales and Ireland;

Mr. E. O. Bolton. president at Penrith;

Mrs. Ernest Woolfield, of Kessingland;

Commodore Sir Bertram Hayes, K.C.M.G., D.S.O.. R.N.R., a member of the Committee of Management; Mr. Oscar Gridley. honorary secretary at Bermondsey;

Miss Moser, late honorary secretary at Shrewsbury;

Mrs. Grace Sidney, of Formby;

Mr. James Clark, honorary secretary at Montrose;

Mr. A. E. Heazell, late honorary secretary at Nottingham;

Mr. F. O. Roberts, P.C.. M.P., a member of the Committee of Management;

Commander H. B. Boothby, D.S.O., R.N.R., chairman at Littlehampton;

Mr. W. Couldrey, honorary secretary at Bembridge;

the Rev. A. Peckham, vice-chairman at Portsmouth;

Mr. T. W. Piggott, D.L., J.P., president at Barmouth;

Commodore Sir Richard Henry Williams- Bulkeley, Bt., K.C.B., R.N.R., a vicepresident of the Institution; Mr. Walker T. Moore, honorary secretary at Maryport;

Captain Basil Hall, R.N., for many years a district inspector of the Institution and holder of the silver medal for gallantry;

Mr. P. W. Gidney, for many years assistant secretary of the Institution;

Dr. R. Julyan George, honorary secretary at Paignton;

Mr. Charles H. Turver, chairman at Blackpool;

Mr. Thomas E. Kluge, honorary secretary at Swansea and The Mumbles;

Mr. F. Morgan, honorary secretary at Scarborough;

Lieut.-Col. B. M. Hynes, late honorary secretary at Lvme Regis;

Colonel Lord William Cecil, C.V.O., at one time a member of the Committee of Management;

the Duke of Portland, K.G., G.C.V.O., P.C., a vice-president of the Institution and patron at Nottingham;

Mr. W. J. Burden, honorary secretary at Teignmouth and a holder of the silver medal for gallantry;

the Duchess of Sutherland, president of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild; the Hon.

George Colville, deputy-chairman of the Committee of Management;

Mr. John L. McNaughton, honorary secretary at Buckie;

Mr. William Bertram,. O.B.E., J.P., honorary secretary at Dunbar;

Colonel J. C. Rea, late honorarv secretary at Aberystwyth;

Commander F. F. Tower, O.B.E., late R.N.V.R., a member of the Committee of Management;

Mr. G. L. Thomson, M.B.E., honorary secretary at Stromness;

Alderman C. Hartly-Hodder, F.I.C.S., honorary secretary at Bristol;

Mr. H. King, at one time honorary secretary at Brighton;

the Rev. W. M. Merry, honorary treasurer at Oxford;

Captain C. P. Shrubb, honorary secretary at Exmouth;

Mrs. E. W. Bruce, honorary secretary at Harrow;

Miss Wilde, of Manchester and Salford;

Major H. E. Burton, G.C., O.B.E., R.E., at one time honorary superintendent of the Tynemouth life-boat and the holder of the gold and silver medals for gallantry;

Major M. Rawlence, D.S.O., at one time honorary secretary at Salisbury;

Mr. George Alexander, honorary secretary at Aberdeen;

Mr. C. H. Lemmon, honorary secretary at King's Lynn;

Miss E. de B. Griffith, honorary secretary of the Shanklin Ladies' Life-boat Guild;

the Rev. W. Robins, late honorary secretary at Seaton; Gwendolen,

Duchess of Norfolk, a vice-patron of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild;

Mrs. E. Astley Roberts, M.B.E., president and chairman of the Eastbourne Ladies' Lifeboat Guild;

Mrs. E. Leeming, organizing secretary for Central London;

Mr. Ernest Woolfield, honorary secretary at Kessingland;

Mr. T. K. Ridler, honorary secretary at Minehead;

Mr. II. C. Slade, honorary secretary at Torquay;

and Mr. Graham H. Bennetts, honorary secretary at Sennen Cove.