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Irene and Brighter Hope

Bridlington, Yorkshire. — On her re- turn from the service to the John Watt, the life-boat remained in the harbour and was not returned to her house as the weather was getting worse and there were fishing boats still at sea.' At about 11 o'cldck one was reported in sight and the Tillie Morrison, Sheffield left her moorings. A strong south- easterly gale was now blowing with a very heavy sea. The life-boat met the local fishing vessel Irene and escorted her into harbour. Again she remained there while inquiries were made about a second local fishing vessel, the Brighter Hope. When it was reported that she was not returning, but was running before the gale, and that the Scar- borough life-boat was going out to her help the Tillie Morrison, Sheffield, re- turned to her station and was rehoused at 3.20 in the afternoon.—Rewards, £15..