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Rosslare Harbour, Co. Wexford.— At about 10.30 on the night of the 26th of January, 1948, a wireless message was received from the motor vessel Edenvale of Wexford, that her engine had broken down, but that she was in no immediate danger. She gave her position as seventeen miles east-north-east of Tus- kar Rock. At 11.15 the motor life- boat Mabel Marion Thompson was launched in a squally south-easterly breeze and a rough sea, and found the Edenvale twenty-four miles east-north- east of the Tuskar Rock. The S.S.

Nugget, of Glasgow, which had also put out, arrived on the scene at the same time and took the Edenvale in tow.

The tow rope parted three times but the Nugget eventually brought the Edenvale into Dublin, escorted by the life-boat, which then returned to her station, arriving at noon on the 27th.—• Partly Permanent Paid Crew: Re- wards, £20 19s..