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Captain Ernest Swan, R.N.V.R.

TILE Committee of Management heard with very great regret of the sudden death on April 6th of their colleague Captain Ernest William Swan, C.R.E., V.D., D.L., R.N.V.R. Captain Swan Ix-came a member of the Committee in 1939, and brought to the affairs of the Life-boat Service a wide experience.

He was an associate member of the Institute of Naval Architects and a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, and had spent the greater part of his life in the firm of Sir W. G.

Armstrong-Whitworth & Co. He had joined it in 1902 as an articled pupil, on leaving Harrow, arid from 1910 to 1928 he was outside manager in charge of the installation of all naval gunmountings and guns. He joined the Tyne Division of the R.N.V.R. in 1906, served in it during the war of 1914- 1918, and was its commanding officer from 1929 to 1939. He retired in 1939, but rejoined for service on the outbreak of war in September of that year, and served again until November.

1945. In 1933 he became A.D.C. to King George V. Captain Swaivs family have been actively associated with the work of the Life-boat Service in Tynemouth for very many years.

His father was chairman of the station; his mother, in memory of her husband, presented the motor lift-- boat Henri/ Frederick Swan, which was stationed at Tynemouth in 1917 and replaced by the present life-boat Tynesider at the end of last year; and Captain Swan himself was chairman of the station for seventeen years, and had been a member of the committee for over thirty years..