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ON HAISBOROUGH SANDS Cromer, Norfolk. —At 7.22 in the morning of the 4th of January, 1948, the coastguards telephoned information received from the Haisborough Light- vessel that a vessel 011 the North Middle Haisborough Sands was burning flares, and the Cromer No. 1 motor life-boat Henry Blogg was launched at 7.40. A strong south-south-west wind was blow- ing, with a moderately rough sea. The life-boat reached the position at 9.45 and there found the steam trawler Balmoral, of Grimsby.. She had been abandoned by her crew. As she was then drifting into deep water five of the life-boat's crew went aboard her, and the life-boat set out in search of the trawler's crew. She found them— eleven men—about three miles away in a small ship's boat, took them on board, and, with the ship's boat in tow, re- turned to the Balmoral. By this time she had been anchored by the five life- boatmen. With the exception of one man, who was ill, her crew went aboard "and, finding her undamaged, made for Grimsby. It was then one o'clock.

The life-boat escorted the steamer as.

far as Haisborough Lightvessel which they reached at half past two, and then returned to Cromer, where she arrived at five o'clock and landed the sick man- - —Property Salvage Case..