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Awards to Coxswains and Life-Boatmen

To JOHN E. MORRIS, on his retirement, after serving for 17J years as coxswain and 3 moaths as bowman of the Barmouth lifeboat, a coxswain's certificate of service and an annuity.

To JOHN C. SNELL, on his retirement, after serving for 17 years as coxswain of the Falmouth life-boat, a coxswain's certificate of service and an annuity.

To DAVID J. G. WILLIAMS, on his retirement, after serving for 12 years as coxswain, 1J years as second coxswain and 2J years as bowman of the New Quay life-boat, a coxswain's certificate of service and an annuity.

To FRANK WATTS, on his retirement, after serving for 10 years as coxswain and 7| years as second coxswain of the Weston-super- Mare life-boat, a coxswain's certificate of service and an annuity.

To FRANCIS MAIB, on his retirement, after serving for 8J years as coxswain, 12 years as second coxswain and 2J years as bowman of the Buckie life-boat, a coxswain's certificate of service and an annuity.

To LEONARD A. J. PEDDLESDEN, on his retirement, after serving for 5J years as coxswain, 2J years as second coxswain and 6J years as bowman of the Newhaven lifeboat, a coxswain's certificate of service.

To WILLIAM CARGILL, On his retirement, after serving for 5J years as coxswain, 8J years as second coxswain and 5 years as bowman of the Gourdon life-boat, a coxswain's certificate of service and an annuity.

To EVAN JONES, on his retirement, after serving for 17 J years as second coxswain and 12 years as a member of the crew of the Barmouth life-boat, a life-boatman's certificate of service and an annuity.

To HUGH CAMPBELL, on his retirement, after serving for 13 years as second coxswain and 9 months as bowman of the Portpatrick life-boat, a life-boatman's certificate of service.

To SINCLAIR MOWAT, on his retirement, after serving for 13 years as second coxswain and 15 years as a member of the crew of the Longhope life-boat, a life-boatman's certificate of service and a gratuity.

To JOHN E. LAKER, on his retirement, after serving for 17J years as bowman of the Shoreham Harbour life-boat, a lifeboatman's certificate of service and an annuity.

To WALTER BARRY, on his retirement, after serving for OJ years as bowman and 25 J years as a member of the crews of the Wexford Xo. 1 and Rosslare Harbour life-boats, a life-boatman's certificate of service and a pension.

To JOHN JONES, on his retirement, after serving for 8} years as assistant motor mechanic and 8 years as a member of the crew of the Barmouth life-boat, a life-boatman's certificate of service and a gratuity.

To OWEN T. MORRIS, on his retirement, aftfcr serving for 44 years as a member of the crew of the Barmouth life-boat, a life-boatman's certificate of service.

To GRIFFITH GRIFFITHS, on his retirement, after serving for 40 years as a member of the crew of the Barmouth life-boat, a life-boatman's certificate of service.

To ALFRED BRYANT, on his retirement, after serving for 6 years as shore attendant and 40 years as a member of the crew of the Ramsgate life-boat, a life-boatman's certificate of service.

To JOSEPH WYATT, on his retirement, after serving for 35 years as a member of the crew of the Walton and Frinton life-boat, a lifeboatman's certificate of service..