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A New Life-Boat Film

THE Institution has had a new film made, with dialogue, commentary and music, called "Shipshape." It shows the work of repair and supply for the life-boat stations which is constantly going on at the Institution's Depot, where there are stored, and ready for despatch, over 30,000 different articles needed by life-boats.

The film opens with the return of a life-boat from service. The rescued men, some of them injured, are landed.

The life-boat is examined, and her rudder is found to have been badly damaged against the wreck.

A telephone message to the Depot asks for a new rudder, and for the replacement of stores which had been used, and the film shows a tour of the Depot as the new rudder, and the other things required, are collected. They are all ready for despatch within an hour.

The film ends with the life-boat, fitted with her new rudder, going out again to the rescue. It takes five minutes to show..