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The S.S. Reina del Pacifico

EXPLOSION ON TRIAL RUN Donaghadee, Co. Down.—At 6.5 in the evening of the llth of September, 1947, a message came that the S.S. Reina del Pacifico, of Liverpool, running trials about twelve miles north of the Cope- land Islands, after being refitted by Messrs. Harland & Welff, had reported an explosion in her engine-room, injur- ing about sixty persons, and was asking for doctors. With two doctors on board, the motor life-boat Civil Service No. 6 left her moorings at 6.25 in a light westerly breeze, but heavy ground swell, and found the steamer sixteen miles north of the islands. She put the doctors aboard, and other doctors, stretchers and medical supplies were brought out by tugs which then took the steamer in tow. The life-boat escorted her to Belfast Lough and returned to her station, arriving at midnight. It was learnt later thit twenty-four persons had been killed, and thirty-four injured by the ex- plosion.—Rewards, £11 125.

Messrs. Harland & Wolff sent a letter of thanks to the Institution and £50 to the Donaghadee Station, and the Pacific Steam Navigation Company also sent £50..