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The S.S. Keila and S.S. Lady Anstruther

STEAMERS IN COLLISION IN FOG The Humber, Yorkshire.—At about 9.25 in the morning of the 16th of August, 1947, the Mablethorpe coastguard re- ported that the.S.S. Keila, of Glasgow, had been in collision in a fog with the S.S. Lady Anstruther, also of Glasgow, of 527 tons bound for Sunderland, about twenty-two miles east-north-east of Spurn Point, and that the Lady Anstruther was sinking. The motor life-boat City of Bradford II was launched at 9.50 in a light north- easterly breeze and moderate sea, but received a wireless message that she was not needed and returned, anchoring off her station at 11 o'clock.

At 3.15 in the afternoon the Filey coastguard asked her to take off the Lady Anstruther's crew from the Keila, which had picked them up, and she left her anchorage at 8.35. The Keila was then eleven miles east-north-east of Spurn Point. The fog was still dense, but the life-boat found her, went along- side, took on board the Lady Anstru- ther's crew of fourteen and her captain, who was badly injured, and gave them rum and biscuits. She then made for Grimsby where she landed the men at 8.30 in the evening. It was too foggy for the life-boat to return to her station so she remained in Grimsby until day- break and arrived back at her station at 6.45 the following morning.—Per- manent Paid Crew..