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The Ex-Naval Motor Torpedo Boat Marlene Dolores

EX-TORPEDO-BOAT DRIFTING Arklow, Co. Wicklow.—At 4.40 in the afternoon of the 7th of September, 1947, information was received by wireless, telegraph and telephone that a motor vessel had been seen drifting by the steamer Eddystone, when off the Arklow Buoy. The motor life-boat Inbhear Mor was launched at 5.5 in a southerly wind with a moderate sea, and at 6.40 reached the position given, three miles south-south-east of the North Arklow Buoy, and about twelve miles from the life-boat station. Here she found the ex-naval motor torpedo boat Marlene Dolores, with a crew of five, on her way to Dublin where she was to be converted. The men had lost an anchor and ropes, were short of food and fuel, and with their boat out of control, were in danger of drifting on to the Arklow Banks. The life-boat towed them into Arklow Harbour, arriving at 9.50.—Property Salvage Case..