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The American Oil-Tanker S.S. El Morro

10,000-TON STEAMER AGROUND Sheringham, Norfolk.—At 1.15 in the afternoon of the 14th of September, 1947, a vessel was reported apparently ashore on Sheringham Shoal, about six miles south-east of the town. She was kept under observation, and at 2.32 the motor life-boat Foresters Centenary was launched. The sea was smooth, but a moderate south-westerly wind was blowing. An American oil-tanker —the S.S. El Morro, of Portland, Oregon—was found aground. She was a vessel of 10,000 tons and bound for Newcastle from the Dutch East Indies.

Life-boatmen boarded the steamer, but she did not need help. The life-boat- stood by until, when the tide turned, the El Morro refloated, and then made, for her station, arriving at 5.45 p.m.—• Rewards, £28 15s..