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Marlene Dorlores

A FOUR HOURS' SEARCH Swanage, Dorset.—At 5.24 in the morning of the 21st of August, 1947, the coastguard reported distress signals about five miles south-by-west of the station. The motor life-boat Thomas Markby was launched at 5.45 in an east-north-east breeze and a slight sea and made a wide search. She found no vessel in distress but came upon the motor launch Marlene Dorlores, broken down and anchored east of Pevril Ledge Buoy. The launch did not require immediate help, but after the life-boat had continued her search and still found nothing, she towed the launch to Swanage Bay, arriving back at her station at 10 o'clock.—Rewards, £12 14s..