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A CAREFUL WATCH Sheringham, Norfolk. — During the early morning of the 21st of September, 1947, a motor ketch left Yarmouth for Wisbech, in fine weather, but the wind got up, and when, about 10 o'clock, she was off Sheringham, she was kept under observation. She continued on her way, but at one o'clock in the after- noon the Cley coastguard reported that her engine appeared to have broken down for she had anchored about two hundred yards off shore. The anchor was dragging but he thought that there was no immediate danger. How- ever, the weather got worse and at 2.17 the motor life-boat Foresters Centenary was launched. A strong north-west breeze was then blowing, with a very rough sea. The life-boat found the ketch—Livre, of Burnham- on-Crouch, with a crew of two— six miles off Salthouse. She was about two hundred yards from the shore. The life-boat took her in tow, and made for Wells. The tow-rope parted twice, but she arrived off Wells at 5.10 in the evening. There she had to wait, as it was low water, but at 7.10, when the tide had flowed sufficiently, she towed the Livre to the harbour entrance, put her in charge of the harbour pilot, and returned to her station, arriving at 9.30.—Rewards, £36 16s..