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"Literature of the Life-Boat"

IN October, 1936, Literature of the Life-boat, by Sir John Gumming, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., a vice-president-of the Institution, appeared as a supplement to; The Life-boat, and. a second part appeared a year later. In these two supplements Sir John Gumming gave an account of all books, pamphlets and press articles about life-boats and the Life-boat Service, which he had been able to. trace, under four headings: "Design and Equipment," "Organization and Administration," "Wrecks and Rescues," and "Wrecks and Rescues in Verse and Fiction." There were forty-seven illustrations from lifeboat books, old drawings, in the Illustrated London News and Punch, photographs from The Times and other papers,, and portraits of famous coxswains and others associated with the Life-boat Service.

Sir John Gumming has now revised the bookand brought it right up to date, Literature of the Life-boat, 1785-1947.

It has a section on life-boat publica*- tions during the war, of 1939-45, and a new chapter on the Institution's medals. It also has an entirely new set of illustrations, sixty-three in all, including reproductions of life-boat pictures hanging at the head office of the Institution. Copies can be obtained from-the Institution, post free, 5s. each.;.