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Girl Evelyn

DESTROYED BY HEAVY SEAS Rhyl, Flintshire.—At 8.53 on the night of the 2nd of November, 1947, the coast- guard reported a distress flare seen off the harbour and it was thought that the motor fishing boat Girl Evelyn, of Deganwy, known to be at sea, needed help. At 10 o'clock the motor life- boat The Gordon Warren was launched in a westerly gale with a very heavy sea.

She found the fishing boat on-a sand- Bank about three hundred yards off the promenade, pounded by the seas. The life-boat rescued her crew of two, took them to Foryd harbour, anchored there until the next day and returned to her station at 5 o'clock that afternoon.

The fishing boat became a total wreck.

—Rewards, £16 5s..