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A Small Boat

BOAT-THIEVES RESCUED W aimer, Kent.—At 10.10 in the morn- ing of the 1st of November, 1947, a wireless message from the South Good- win Light-vessel said that she had picked up a small boat with two men aboard, and wanted the life-boat to go out.

At 10.15 the motor life-boat Charles Dibdin, Civil Service No. 2, was launched in a south-westerly breeze and moderate sea. She found that the two rescued men had stolen a rowing boat, which belonged to the coxswain of the life-boat, had lost their oars and had drifted over the Goodwin Sands.

The life-boat brought them and their boat to Walmer, arriving at 12 noon, and handed the two men over to the police.—Rewards, £18 2s..