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A Sailing Dinghy (1)

A LONG SEARCH IN FOG Filey, and Flamborough, Yorkshire.— At 8.35 in the evening of the 17th of August, 1947, the Filey coastguard reported that a sailing dinghy, in which two men had put out fishing at 2.0 in the afternoon, should have returned and had not. There was a thick fog.

The Filey motor life-boat The Cuttle was launched at 9.0 in a light north- westerly breeze. The sea was smooth, but the fog was getting thicker. The life-boat searched, but found nothing and returned twice for news. On her second return it was decided that she should lie off her station until daylight and then renew the search, but a radar report said that the dinghy was off Flamborough, and as the fog had lifted slightly the life-boat put out for the third time. She still found nothing, and about 6 o'clock next morning she was recalled to investigate what was believed to be an overturned boat. A fishing coble also put out, but fog ham- pered their search, and after finding nothing they arrived back at about 8 o'clock. Aeroplanes were also search- ing, and when the life-boat had refuelled about 10.45 she again put out.

The coastguard also informed the Flamborough life-boat station at 10.40 in the morning of the 18th, and the motor life-boat Elizabeth and Albino, Whitley was launched at 11.10 in a light northerly breeze and choppy sea.

There was still a dense fog and although an extensive search was made by both life-boats no trace of the dinghy or her crew was found. After a search lasting for over nineteen hours the Filey life-boat arrived back at her station at 4.20 in the afternoon of the 18th.

Finally a report was received that the dinghy had been found upturned by a pleasure steamer three miles south of Scarborough, and the Flamborough life- boat also returned to her station, arriv- ing at 7 o'clock in the evening. A letter of appreciation and a donation to the funds of the Institution were received from the relatives of one of the men lost.

—Rewards, Filey, £53 5s. Qd.; Flam- borough, £34 5s. 6d..