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Three Canoes

THREE CANOES IN DISTRESS Yarmouth, Isle of Wight.—During the afternoon of the 3rd of May, 1947, three young men, visitors, got into diffi- culties while out in canoes off Colwell Bay. One of the three canoes got ashore safely; another capsized, but the man clung to it and was rescued by a boat; the third drifted away towards the Needles Channel. This was reported by the coastguard, and the motor life-boat S.G.E. was launched at 4.45. A moderate south-south-east breeze was blowing, with a moderate sea, and the tide was ebbing. The life-boat found the canoe drifting, but no one in it. She continued the search without result and returned to her station at 8.45.—Rewards, £9 18*. 6d.